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Remote Control Robots for Kids

remote control robots

As children, we were all fascinated by remote-controlled toys. Pressing buttons on that remote and watching the toys move felt almost like magic to our innocent eyes as young kids.

In this article, we will specifically talk about remote control robots for kids! Unlike remote-controlled cars or boats, these are humanoid and also more complex to control!

We’ll also discuss the price range, the brands, the features to look for, and everything else you may need to know to be able to choose and buy the perfect remote-controlled robot for your little ones!

Price of Remote-Controlled Robots for Kids

There is no set price or even a set range of prices that you may buy a remote-controlled robot for kids for.

Some of the factors that affect the price of a remote-controlled robot are:

  1. It depends upon the size of the robot. Usually, bigger remote control robots cost more than smaller ones.
  2. It varies from brand to brand. Usually, a high-quality reputed brand will cost more than a knockoff toy.
  3. The material of the toy also affects its price. A remote-controlled robot made of metal will cost more than one with a plastic shell.

A remote control robot can cost anywhere from 5-150$. The prices may vary from region to region but this is to give you a rough idea about what to expect when you want to buy a robot for your kids.

Now that you have determined the budget and price range that you are willing to dabble in, you can move forward and search for what exactly you want in a remote-controlled robot for kids.

What to Look For In Remote Control Robots?

If you want the ideal remote control robot and have low budget constraints, then here we will tell you the things to look out for.

Of course, not everyone will have the same opinion on what to look for in a remote-controlled robot, but this is just to give you a general idea.

1. Durability:

The most important thing to consider is whether or not your robot will withstand the test of time.

It is no use to buy a technologically advanced robot if it only lasts a few weeks.

Always read the reviews to see how durable your toy is.

2. Wiring:

The wiring of the toy robot is also a very important factor to consider when looking for the ideal robot.

You want to look for robots that have less exposed wiring, as they will last longer.

3. Battery:

It is all well and good that you have a big or advanced toy robot, but it is no use if it does not have a long-lasting battery.

Constant recharging will take the fun out of the toy robot and eventually become boring.

These are the few main things to keep in mind when you look for a good toy robot for your kid on the shelves.

Best Brands for Remote Control Robot

Now that you know exactly what you are looking for down to a T. It is time to search which brands to buy from.

It is best to always check the most trusted and well-established brands first, as they will be more likely to provide good quality products to their customers.

1. Lego Robots:

Lego Robot are some of the best for young children.

Lego is a household name and some of its toy robots are very reasonably priced.

An example of a good Lego robot is the “Robot Inventor” set.

2. Novie:

The Novie interactive smart robot is one of the best-priced and most well-functioning robot toys for children out there.

It can perform over 75 differing actions and also is self-learning.

It is perfect to keep your children entertained for long periods of time!

3. Fisher price robots:

Fisher Price robots are some of the best for infants or toddlers. They are mostly educational and can keep your toddler busy while you work.

They are durable and cannot be easily broken. It is perfect for its price.


Now that you are aware of the pricing, the factors that affect the pricing, and what to look for in a toy robot, you will effectively be able to pick the best out of all the options presented to you.

Make sure to retain this information, it will definitely come in handy when you go toy shopping for your child! You can also go through our pages to choose the perfect robot for your kids and watch their beautiful smile as you give it to them for the first time.

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